Day 13

16 mei 2016

This morning the alarm ringed very early, 6:30. This all because today at had the first hour which starts at 7:15. It was a PE lesson with the 6th graders. I was told that this class normally is very difficult, but I think that they were just not awake yet because everything went fine. After this I went with the 3th graders to the music workshop, this workshop is today for the higher classes. For everyone it was new, but I had already seen the whole thing so it was not that special anymore. I went with the 3th graders to the drum workshop. After these 2 hours all the groups had to perform their show to the rest of the school. They did great and everyone was enjoying it. 
I had recieved a lot of presents and cards from the classes I had teached. One 1st and 2nd grade class I have had a lot, hugged me and did not let me go. When I finally got out of all the arms I went to Miss Knecht to thank her for all she had done for me. 
After school we went to handball training, when it was done Fernando picked us up and dropped the kids at home. Fernando and I went for the 4the time in a row to play tennis. When we came home at 21:30 we had dinner alltogether for the last time.